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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Free Fuel!

By Charlotte Smith

David Kunhardt, CEO of the SolEd Benefit Corporation, believes that although other alternative energy sources may be more efficient, solar power has the most potential. His company has a mission. He says, “The mission is to deliver the lowest lifetime cost of energy to public clients that can be done… We live by that mission to drive to the lowest possible cost of clean energy.”
            Solar power is quickly growing because of its extensive advantages. First of all, it’s free fuel! Yes, the equipment is expensive, but the cost is quickly declining. It’s simple. It’s reliable. Kunhardt does understand that solar power isn’t the most efficient energy source, but it definitely has the most potential. He says, “I actually think that the most ubiquitous [alternative energy source] across the globe is geothermal, but it costs more to utilize geothermal in the coldest climates and also in the hottest climates… Sun obviously only works during the day, but particularly where the sun is good and where there’s not an excess amount of fog, it is very predictable, very reliable.” Thus, geothermal energy may be easier to utilize, but the growing affordability of solar power makes it a more desirable option for many.
            Additionally, according to Kunhardt, formerly a financial planner, solar power is A-rated. Why is solar A-rated? It’s proven technology. There are a lot of improvements being made in the smoothing of the output of solar energy, and it is a very quickly growing industry. Also, it’s reliable in the fact that local conditions can be predicted, so sunlight is often fairly predictable. As long as there’s equipment and sun, there will be an output. “And, it’s free!”
            So, why is solar power necessary? Climate change is fast occurring throughout the United States from the burning of fossil fuels, which could easily be avoided with the implementation of alternative energy sources. The widespread use of solar power at the moment, however, has limits, but it’s interesting to know that solar power, along with geothermal power, hydroelectric power, wind power, etc., together can turn the tide on global warming. Switching to solar power can save a house extensive carbon emission. “A lot of the deniars – a lot of members of Congress who are still saying we shouldn’t do anything – they are no longer able to say global warming isn’t happening.”
            There’s simply too much evidence at this point in time to continue denying the occurrence of global warming. The overwhelming option of the majority of scientists is that climate change is real. But even if this could not be proven, who could possibly argue against using the very best and sustainable technology we have to produce energy?

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