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Monday, July 21, 2014

What do we do now?

By: Geffen Hochschild

It is guaranteed that you have heard of the effect of fossil fuels on the environment, and there is a good reason for it. This problem is only expanding, as scientists say that our planet is now “beyond the point of return.” Global warming has become one of the largest crises we will face in the future. The burning of fossil fuels has doomed our Earth to environmental changes, has created wars, and has allowed business monopolies to form throughout our country for centuries. But now, we have new technology. As solar energy is becoming more cost effective and accessible, there is a way for all of us to fight the use of fossil fuels and ensure a better future for our children.
Solar energy is now an option for all of us. With a certain amount of space and energy, we can all lower our energy bill with almost no change of lifestyle. There are fewer and fewer excuses to neglect these new forms of energy, as solar panel systems are becoming increasingly advanced and easy to use. Chris Bunas, the owner of Sunterra, says that depending on how much you are willing to invest in solar (with space and money), you can accomplish an energy system completely free of charge. On top of this incredible financial situation that solar energy can provide, it affects virtually nothing. There is practically no air or noise pollution, which creates an incredibly ideal source of energy. The fact that we have this incredibly useful technology at such a low cost prompts the question: Why don’t we all simply switch?
The answer is: tradition.Traditional energy is the safe choice. We all want reliable, old-fashioned energy sources. We want the energy sources that are used by our neighbors and that are used by our neighbors’ neighbors.  If solar is out of the question for your household, that isn’t the end of the road. It is just as possible to save large amounts of energy (and money) just by being conscious. Bunas explains, “The same people who paid $500 dollars a month in a three bedroom house with an electric bill can move out...and somebody else can move in and only pay $200…It all depends on your lifestyle.” If someone is focused on saving money and saving energy, it is quite possible to achieve that. Things such as opening windows instead of using the AC and turning off lights when no one is in the room can lead to an incredible amount of conservation.

Whether you switch to solar or choose to switch to a lifestyle dedicated to conserving energy in the household, it is truly our future. Both options help our wallets, and both will help our planet and our fate.  By simply making sure that you turn off a switch, we can preserve our way of life for many generations.

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