Is Our Energy Killing the Earth?
Quinn Maynard, EarthScope Intern (Tam High)
April 6, 2017
Solar power systems get pure, clean energy from the sun and costs less annually than utility energy and reduces fossil fuel being produced. Also this little change can make the CO2 emissions on our earth go down. So why isn't anyone switching to solar? This little change could help our planet for the better.
“Is it a job killer? Is renewable energy a job killer? Sorry, but solar jobs have been growing 12x faster than the average workforce in the United States...and solar now employs, its actually closer to 4x as many people in the US as coal. 270,000 jobs across the US are at solar, another 150,000 in wind power.” This is David Kunhardt, the CEO of the Sol-Ed Benefit Corporation. He came to us to talk about the benefits of solar energy and how coal makes no sense and the health hazards of fossil fuels.
David goes on about this issue and goes into detail on the greenhouse gas effect. The greenhouse gas effect is when greenhouse gases, like Carbon Dioxide, form a sort of blanket around our earth. This blanket absorbs IR radiation, preventing it from going back into outer space. That means this radiation and heat is being trapped here, on earth, and is gradually increasing. This is causing our home to slowly heat up. All these greenhouse gases that are being created by coal and other resources that create CO2 emissions. This is another reason why solar is the better choice. It doesn't create CO2. So if more people make the switch, we could save our home.
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